Idag var första inomhusträningen för terminen på Mariehemsskolan. Det var en sjukt bra träning och alla jobbade på så otroligt bra! Temat för träningen var flyt och vi jobbade på både stora och små ytor. Öva flyt och kreativitet på enbart t.ex. en bom genom att hoppa över, krypa under och hur som helst ta sig runt den utan att stanna av visar verkligen hur bra parkour man kan utöva utan att behöva någonting alls. Som i den här videon:
Alla fortsättare, kom ihåg att det är eget schema nästa söndag (26/10)!
tisdag 21 oktober 2014
söndag 19 oktober 2014
Årsmöte 2014-2015!
Igår hade vi som utlyst vårt årsmöte på Hamnmagasinet. Jättetrevligt och smärtfritt. Alla poster utdelade och alla beslut tagna. Och gott fika. Inget mer att säga än att det var kul att se alla som dök upp och ni som missade det, ni är varmt välkomna nästa år!
Nya styrelsen är:
Ordförande: Frida Fältman
Vice Ordförande: Frida van Dongeren
Sekreterare: Anette Edlund
Kassör: Felix Johannesson
Ledamot: Felix Scheffler, Finn Bindler, Erik Amnell och Andre Öhman
Revisor: Martin Gärdemalm
Vice Revisor: Rasmus Edling
Så vi önskar de alla stort lycka till under året!
Nya styrelsen är:
Ordförande: Frida Fältman
Vice Ordförande: Frida van Dongeren
Sekreterare: Anette Edlund
Kassör: Felix Johannesson
Ledamot: Felix Scheffler, Finn Bindler, Erik Amnell och Andre Öhman
Revisor: Martin Gärdemalm
Vice Revisor: Rasmus Edling
Så vi önskar de alla stort lycka till under året!
onsdag 15 oktober 2014
Fortsättarträning 12/10 - Parken
Träningen i söndags var sista utomhusträningen för grupperna i år så vi såg till att få ut så mycket som möjligt utav den! Vi körde en snabb men intensiv uppvärmning och sedan direkt in i att nöta tekniker; katthopp, wallrun, klättra, precision och rullar. Allt sånt som är mycket bättre och roligare att öva på utomhus. Vi tog sedan ett längre stretchpass i tystnad för att verkligen kunna fokusera på vilka muskler som stretchas, andning och varva ned efter en intensiv träning.
Från söndag 19/10 så kommer alla träningar att vara inomhus, grundträningarna och fortsättarträningarna på söndagar på Mariehemsskolan och Jamträningarna på torsdagar på Hagaskolan i lilla salen. Alla tider och plaster hittar ni kalendern på hemsidan. Men glöm inte att allra sista uteträningen är jamträningen nu på torsdag (16/10) i parken! Det kommer vara kallt men det går bra att träna ändå, man måste bara klä sig bättre och hålla igång mer.
Påminnelse om årsmöte på lördag! Event för Årsmöte på Facebook
Från söndag 19/10 så kommer alla träningar att vara inomhus, grundträningarna och fortsättarträningarna på söndagar på Mariehemsskolan och Jamträningarna på torsdagar på Hagaskolan i lilla salen. Alla tider och plaster hittar ni kalendern på hemsidan. Men glöm inte att allra sista uteträningen är jamträningen nu på torsdag (16/10) i parken! Det kommer vara kallt men det går bra att träna ändå, man måste bara klä sig bättre och hålla igång mer.
Påminnelse om årsmöte på lördag! Event för Årsmöte på Facebook
tisdag 7 oktober 2014
Imagination is Everything
you're a kid, your imagination runs wild, and that's what you've go
to really go back to that when you're doing Parkour, because...
society has trained you "This is just a walkway," you know,
you walk down them stairs, and you've got to use your imagination to
create "That's not just a walkway." So without imagination,
you would just be doing everything society tells you, and...
society's not always right.
Imagination's everything.
You've got four limbs! Two arms two legs, feet hands... and what are you using them for? To walk to the train station? To type on a keyboard? What's that?! You've got all this potential! You're not using it! So what we're doing is... we're taking these and saying "Huh... I wonder what I can come up with today, with, with what I've been given." That's it, it's really respecting our bodies more than most people.
Most people I've met in freerunning are some of the more sensible people I know. Y'know, we're not stupid, and I think we've got responsibility to show the upcoming kids that want to do it, that it's not about being reckless or trying the most dangerous thing, it's about, doing it with respect to the environment, respect to people around you, and then... progressing at the right pace.
I can jump... like, nine, ten feet between two walls, on the ground, two curbs maybe. But would I do it ten foot up? An it's that: control of the mind saying "I'm physically able here, in this situation, why can't I do it in this situation?" and it's getting that power, of the mind, to control your body into doing it, into making it the same scenarios on the ground, why is it any different? I've never fall a million times here, so why would I fall... like once, doing it here?
Like for me, it's taught me to accept things more. Rather than be "Aww, this is bad, this is a problem in my life," You okay! That's what I'm given, get on with it, y'know? I've got this wall here, what can I do? It's not got a rail next to it or anything, that I'd want to do this move, but I can't to it, so, I'll come up with something else!
It's just that positive mindset... if you can... have that, in life that... really, it can change everything.
There's a stereotype from... from what the news has given people, and what newspapers and everything is that... we're a reckless, daredevil, stuntmen. That, we're risking, that every jump we do, we're risking ourselves, and that's... just not the truth. Y'know, I wouldn't do something if I thought I was risking myself. I mean... that would be stupid. I don't think I'm stupid, people say "Oh, get down from that wall, you're stupid." I'm not stupid! That might be dangerous to you, it's not dangerous to me!
If I'm looking at a jump, and my heart's racing, I don't enjoy that feeling. I enjoy standing, and looking at that gap and feeling calm! That's when I get right. I'm at a nice level now, I'm looking at this gap, I feel completely calm and within myself that I can make it, and then you do it! And that's when you perform at your best level.
I think the similarities between me and my peers is belief. We've, like I said, we've got to where we're at completely different paths, but we all believe the same thing, we believe... y'know we can do this movement, we can keep moving forward and progressing. I've always thought this was, fun as hell, I want to keep doing it, y'know, and that's what's got me to where I am now, is... is that passion and love, that can get anyone anywhere in life. I think passion and belief are the two things that can get you where you want to be.
-Tim "Livewire" Shieff
Imagination's everything.
You've got four limbs! Two arms two legs, feet hands... and what are you using them for? To walk to the train station? To type on a keyboard? What's that?! You've got all this potential! You're not using it! So what we're doing is... we're taking these and saying "Huh... I wonder what I can come up with today, with, with what I've been given." That's it, it's really respecting our bodies more than most people.
Most people I've met in freerunning are some of the more sensible people I know. Y'know, we're not stupid, and I think we've got responsibility to show the upcoming kids that want to do it, that it's not about being reckless or trying the most dangerous thing, it's about, doing it with respect to the environment, respect to people around you, and then... progressing at the right pace.
I can jump... like, nine, ten feet between two walls, on the ground, two curbs maybe. But would I do it ten foot up? An it's that: control of the mind saying "I'm physically able here, in this situation, why can't I do it in this situation?" and it's getting that power, of the mind, to control your body into doing it, into making it the same scenarios on the ground, why is it any different? I've never fall a million times here, so why would I fall... like once, doing it here?
Like for me, it's taught me to accept things more. Rather than be "Aww, this is bad, this is a problem in my life," You okay! That's what I'm given, get on with it, y'know? I've got this wall here, what can I do? It's not got a rail next to it or anything, that I'd want to do this move, but I can't to it, so, I'll come up with something else!
It's just that positive mindset... if you can... have that, in life that... really, it can change everything.
There's a stereotype from... from what the news has given people, and what newspapers and everything is that... we're a reckless, daredevil, stuntmen. That, we're risking, that every jump we do, we're risking ourselves, and that's... just not the truth. Y'know, I wouldn't do something if I thought I was risking myself. I mean... that would be stupid. I don't think I'm stupid, people say "Oh, get down from that wall, you're stupid." I'm not stupid! That might be dangerous to you, it's not dangerous to me!
If I'm looking at a jump, and my heart's racing, I don't enjoy that feeling. I enjoy standing, and looking at that gap and feeling calm! That's when I get right. I'm at a nice level now, I'm looking at this gap, I feel completely calm and within myself that I can make it, and then you do it! And that's when you perform at your best level.
I think the similarities between me and my peers is belief. We've, like I said, we've got to where we're at completely different paths, but we all believe the same thing, we believe... y'know we can do this movement, we can keep moving forward and progressing. I've always thought this was, fun as hell, I want to keep doing it, y'know, and that's what's got me to where I am now, is... is that passion and love, that can get anyone anywhere in life. I think passion and belief are the two things that can get you where you want to be.
-Tim "Livewire" Shieff
Fortsättarträning 5/10 - Träsnidarn och N'Gran
Träningen i söndags hade temat koordination. Uppvärmningen och fotplaceringsövningar på Träsnidarn och sedan gick vi till N'Gran och lekte. Fysträningen var under total tystnad och fortsättarna fick öva sig på att bara se och efterlikna i alla övningar. N'Gran är fantastiskt kul att leka och träna i, så vi kör där på jamträningen på torsdag också!
fredag 3 oktober 2014
Kallelse till årsmöte!
Nu är det snart dags för årsmöte igen! Den 18 oktober kl 13.00 så kommer vi ha årsmöte på Hamnmagasinet! Här kommer vi ta olika beslut gällande föreningen kommande år, välja nya poster i styrelsen och lite annat smått och gott! Alla är välkomna att komma och delta! Fika bjuds det på såklart!
/Frida och Adam
torsdag 2 oktober 2014
Jamträning 2/10 - Parken
Broparken Centrala Stan
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